The „Berliner Vollzugsbeirat“ (BVB) – The Advisory Board for the Berlin Prison System – is an independent committee specializing in prison policy.
The board consists of at least 17 voluntary members who are the chairpersons of the advisory boards in each of the correctional facilities in Berlin plus representatives from social institutions such as universities, media, trade associations, employees’ associations, public welfare services and other organizations appointed by the Senatsverwaltung für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz (the Senate of Justice and Consumer Protection).
Based on §§ 111 – 113 of the »Landesstrafvollzugsgesetz Berlin« – (Berlin’s Laws for Correctional Facilities), the Berliner Vollzugsbeirat has been active since the late 1970s.
It provides support and advice to the Senate for Justice and Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination on improving the conditions inside of the prisons, improving the effectiveness of the current correctional measures. Moreover, the advisory board recommends alternative program and classification procedures.
During the monthly meetings the Berliner Vollzugsbeirat deals with questions such as overcrowded prisons, rehabilitation issues, medical care, catering, staffing, working arrangements and training measures for prisoners.
We are always looking for volunteers to support our activities. If you are interested, we would be pleased if you contact us under the email address mentioned in our legal notice (Impressum).
Dr. Olaf Heischel
Chairman of the Berliner Vollzugsbeirat